Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Bottled Cinema Bliss

I was having a bad day on Monday. While numerous factors can contribute to major blahs--bad hair, sickness, stress--the reason in this case was the 5th anniversary of 9/11.

As much as I tried to avoid the news it was everywhere--a random conspiracy theory t-shirt here, a memorial service there. I felt it just being in Manhattan. It was like my body had become a living and breathing part of the city and the massive hole at the bottom was inside of me--at least for a day.

Continue reading here.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Most likely to be snubbed

It's as inevitable as composer John Williams getting nominated for Best Original Score. Every year there's at least one film, one actor, one live action short (okay, maybe not) that famously gets the cold shoulder come Oscar time.

This "snubbery" takes on two forms: the critical darling that's nominated for everything but an Oscar, (i.e. Jim Carrey in Man on the Moon and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind); or the many-nominated snub (either shut out completely like The Color Purple, or fails to win the big one, as in the case of Saving Private Ryan and last year's favorite Brokeback Mountain).

Continue reading at OscarWatch